Sunday, September 28, 2008
Oh dark night what message do you bring ,
Why have you sent your messangers to me.
Behold oh gracious lady, look at the stars
And say what your heart wants,
What you want to share with your beloved.
I have been looking at the road
Waiting to hear the sound of the hoofs.
Every morning ,my eyes on the lonely roads,
Waiting that you will come riding the white horse
Taking me off my feet.
Make me a cindrella.
With these thoughts the sun sets beyond the horizon,
here comes the stars again send by the dark night to give you this message.
Oh beloved when you open your eyes and look at the dark night it will have a message for you.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Rendezvous with the clouds

This one should have come 3 years back...gosh...long...miss my buddies....this one for themAfter a lot of planning, discussing, and fighting over the choice of location for a weekend trip, we group of friends) finally decided to visit Raigarh... |
The next day, in spite of heavy monsoons and some deadly premonitions to avoid visiting Raigarh during this season, we were on our way by 7:30 am. The view during our drive was truly mind blowing. Clouds floated on top

of mountains and the temperature gradually fell as we moved towards a higher altitude. There were mini waterfalls on the sides of the road along with massive trees that had fallen by due to the windy conditions.
We reached the district of Raigarh at around 12.30 pm. It was pouring heavily and cold. The raging monsoon could do little to dampen our spirits, and we moved forward towards our destination. As the journey prevailed we came across one of the most difficult roads that we could have expected. The road was marred by fallen rocks and one side being the mulshi dam reservoir.
We reached the foothills of the Raigarh fort at around 3:00, and it was all deserted. The thought that came to our mind was that probably the rope way will be not running and our whole journey was just futile. To our relief and gods grace the ropeway was working and we took two of them and started our journey .About some meters above the ground the only thing that was visible was clouds and us. Yes the trolley was lost between the clouds and we were not aware of the destination. Finally the trolley struck something hard and came to a halt.It was raining cats and dogs; we entered the gate of the fort. We took the guide which was provided for us by the authorities and started the journey towards history. Amidst dense clouds and heavy downpour we saw the parts of the fort which made us look more closely into the past that was so culturally rich and prosperous. We stood at the place where coronation of Shivaji happened and felt we were so small before the great personalities, who once ruled this country. Getting drenched from head to toe while standing on the premises we had a refreshing cup of tea. Than we visited the Grave of the Great Shivaji and his dog as well. Its said that dog jumped into the pyre of shivaji. So faithful was the animal towards his master